Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lizard from Mallorca

Symbol of Dreaming and Conservation .
Through myth and legend Lizard is associated with the dream time. When we dream, we imagine different futures and decide which we will materialise. Dreams contain some of the subtlest perceptions of the mind of which we may not be conscious. Lizard helps us see the importance of respecting and remembering our dreams. Lizard medicine is the companion of every day waking reality, where our dreams are studied before they are manifested physically. Pay attention to your dreams, as they reveal to us what we are not aware of when we are awake. Dreams show us our fears and desires. It is suggested that you keep a journal of your dreams, to be studied. Especially the symbolic and recurring ones, lizard shows us hidden messages in the dream state. 
If Lizard is your power animal, heed your own intuition before anyone else’s. Lizard will aid you in becoming more detached from situations in your life. Now and again it is required to be detached, to separate yourself from others, to succeed in what is necessary. Lizard will also show you how to leave the past in the past! To move on and quit being attached to what has been. Lizard is proposing immediate change in one or more areas of your life. You may need to let go of old ideas, patterns, belief systems, habits, actions or lifestyle because the old may threaten you in some way now. It is time to let go. Lizard prompts the need to go within and examine your present reality and then, move with confidence and utmost assuredness into a new chapter of your life.

One of the most interesting traits of the lizard is the ability to break off their tails to escape predators. The tail is left behind writhing, to take the predators attention off them, in order to flee. However, they are only able to perform this feat once, as the new tail which grows to replace the old one consists of cartilage instead of vertebrae. Lizards power lies in the quality of being able to rescue himself from danger by leaving a part of himself behind. As lizard only has the ability to lose his tail once, you need to make any choices wisely as the consequences may be experienced for a very long time hereafter!

Lizards are very sensitive to vibrations from the ground, they are adept at subtle perception. They have amazing hearing capacity, and with their sharp eyes they are able to sense the most minute of movements. If lizard is your power animal, you have the ability to utilize all aspects of psychic perception.

The psychic characteristics to be found in the lizard teaches us how to awaken our abilities by choosing one path over another that honour every part of our lives. Lizard is a powerful power animal to have, revealing your weaknesses, your strengths and prompting the energy of change.

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