Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Little Prince

The Little Prince (French: ''Le Petit Prince''), first published in 1943, is a novella and the most famous work of the French aristocrat writer, poet and pioneering aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900–1944, Mort pour la France). More... 

Bookmark from Bokklubbens Barnebibliotek (Norway).  
Bokklubbens Barnebibliotek ( english- Bokklubbens Children's Library) is a series of 25 volumes, published by the Norwegian book club in 2006.

The series was edited by a committee consisting of the author Jostein Gaarder, the National Librarian Vigdis Moe Skarstein, Professor Harald Bache-Wiig, Anne Kristin Lande from the Norwegian children's book department, Vibeke Rögle from the Association! Read, Kris Spark Einarsson from book clubs and Mary Kolle Riis from book clubs. The series featured children's books of Western Europe and the U.S., published between 1865 and 1997, with a slight increase of Norwegian and British books.

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