Hello, my name is Liudmila. I was born in Lithuania, have family roots in Russia, but now I live in Norway:) I can't tell anything astonishing about myself... I'm not registered in the Guinness Book of Records, haven't invented the bicycle and wasn't elected as a president :D I'm an ordirary person with simple hobbies - love travelling, reading books, meeting my friends, I just love life as it is, with all advantages and disadvantages. I just have an interesting hobby - I collect bookmarks :) I'm a passionate bookmark collector and hope to find more collectors, exchange bookmarks with them, show my collection to others and have a look at other collections :) You can contact me, if you're interested in bookmark exchange :) Hope to find friends from all over the world :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

From Smithsonian institut

Is Smithsonian instituto Mokslo ir kosmoso muziejaus :)

The Smithsonian Institution was founded for the "increase and diffusion" of knowledge from a bequest to the United States by the British scientist James Smithson (1765–1829), who never visited the new nation. In Smithson's will, he stated that should his nephew, Henry James Hungerford, die without heirs, the Smithson estate would go to the government of the United States for creating an "Establishment for the increase & diffusion of Knowledge among men".More information here :)

Smithsonian institutas (angl. Smithsonian Institution) - mokslo, tyrimų ir švietimo įstaiga bei jai priklausantis muziejų kompleksas JAV. Būstinė - Smithsonian pilis Vašingtone.
Institutas pavadintas anglų mokslininko James Smithson, paaukojusio visą savo turtą šios mokslinės įstaigos sukūrimui, garbei. Įkurtas 1846 m.Daugiau info cia

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just love your book mark collection. I collect bookmarks too but I don't have nearly as much as you do. I love all of the different types and kinds of bookmarks you have.
