Hello, my name is Liudmila. I was born in Lithuania, have family roots in Russia, but now I live in Norway:) I can't tell anything astonishing about myself... I'm not registered in the Guinness Book of Records, haven't invented the bicycle and wasn't elected as a president :D I'm an ordirary person with simple hobbies - love travelling, reading books, meeting my friends, I just love life as it is, with all advantages and disadvantages. I just have an interesting hobby - I collect bookmarks :) I'm a passionate bookmark collector and hope to find more collectors, exchange bookmarks with them, show my collection to others and have a look at other collections :) You can contact me, if you're interested in bookmark exchange :) Hope to find friends from all over the world :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Beautiful Retro Style

I am really delighted with the work of great Lithuanian artist. It is an unbelievably beautiful bookmark .  It is completely handmade piece of art. :)
The reference to the artists website is: http://public.fotki.com/sobie/dekupazas/

Thank you very much, Ilona K. :)


  1. Linkėjimai iš vis dar žiemiškos Lietuvos :)
    Net ir ypakavima "užseivinai"...žinok būsiu nekukli-gražiai atrodo

  2. O as pabandau siusti saules spindulius is jau sauletos Norvegijos,pavasaris ateina! :) Jo,negalejau neuzseivinti,nes labai jau grazus,buvo gaila ir praplesti :) antrojo ipakavimo tik neikelsiu,nes skubedama ji nufotkinau ant paprastos skaitomos knygos,tai prie to provence nelabai ziurisi,reikejo irgi fotkinti ant nuotrauku knygos,o ne ant paprastos knygos,butu buve gerai,bet jau saukstai popietu,ispakuota... tarpusavyje foto nebesiziuri :)

  3. Neapsakomai gražus. Ir dar vėdrynų puokštė fone :)))
